We have a range of resources, developed over the last ten years, for both:
- Commissioners and leaders looking to delivery high quality health coaching programmes
- Health professionals seeking to apply the skills and frameworks in their work with patients and clients
Commissioners and leaders
Based on our work with Health Education England (see programmes for more details), we co-developed two resources for leaders and commissioners interested in this area.
Quality Framework – This framework is a synthesis of research into the findings from a number of health coaching programmes around the country. It looks at best practice in the: design, delivery, evaluation and sustaining of health coaching programmes, with specific strategies and linking to examples where possible.
Area delivery template – There is increasing interest in training health professionals in health coaching and related interventions and numerous programmes and initiatives are developing at local level. This paper outlines activities that could be delivered centrally to add value to diversity of local programmes, and vice versa, acting to maximise the value of associated programmes and to sustain and embed the approach across an area over time.
These documents are available to download on the NHS and Health Education England websites.
Health professionals
The following downloadable resources may be helpful for those interested in applying health coaching approaches with patients and clients. They are based on tools used in our health coaching courses and will be best understood by those who have attended previously.
TGROW Framework – a simple slide outlining the TGROW model which many health professionals use as a reminder for their day to day consultations
TGROW Useful Questions – a series of questions useful at each stage in the TGROW coaching framework
Building Motivation – a conversational skills sheet to help elicit a client’s values and support them to make connections between these values and their health.
Decisional balance sheet – a motivational interviewing tool which can be used for eliciting patient / client motivation around a particular behaviour change topic
COVID-19 conversational tips
These were originally shared during the COVID-19 pandemic; please feel free to use and adapt them to your situation.
Communicating the risks of resuscitation (DNAR)
Leading and managing in times of uncertainty
Supporting patient resourcefulness
Opening mental health conversations
Reviewing long-term condition management in lockdown
Coaching individuals with anxiety and mental health difficulties in lockdown
Working with people seeming to ‘put everything on hold’ in lockdown
Power and safety in health conversations
An essay written by Coaching for Health lead trainers Nick Nielsen and Dr Doug Hing on the power dynamics of a coaching approach and how to maximise the likelihood of effective conversations is currently available on the Personalised Care Institute website.